The Anti-Seismic Systems International Society (ASSISi) was founded on October 5, 2001 in Assisi (Italy), during the Closing Panel of the 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Seismic Vibrations of Structures. Having ASSISi as the acronym for the Society reaffirms the founders’ willingness to take a clear symbolic position to build a better and safer world through international cooperation and collaboration.
ASSISi brings together academicians, design engineers, manufacturers, agencies' representatives and students involved, or simply interested, in the seismic isolation and energy dissipation technology. The association's goal is to disseminate the results of research programs, application examples and basic training material to foster further development and acceptance of seismic protection solutions and techniques.

The Russian Association for earthquake engineering and protection from natural and manmade hazards (RAEE) was established in 1995. Currently, more than 400 leading experts from almost 200 scientific, design and survey, industrial and educational organizations of the regions of Russia and CIS countries are united by RAEE events.
The activity of RAEE is aimed at:
- development of preventive measures to protect the population and territories from natural and manmade impacts, analysis and elimination of their consequences;
- development and implementation of legal and economic norms and standards to ensure the protection of the population and territories from natural and manmade impacts;
- introduction of new technologies in construction to ensure seismic safety of buildings and structures;
- participation in the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the skills of specialists related to the safety and reliability of buildings and structures in seismic regions;
- protecting the property and copyright of the members of the Association;
- organization of information support (conferences, seminars);
- publication of scientific and methodical literature and scientific and technical journal "Earthquake Engineering. Constructions safety".