Paper author preregistration
(until 30 of November 2018)
(until 30 of April 2019)
(until 25 of June 2019)
For 1 paper |
For 2 papers |
For partici-pants without papers
For partici-pants with 1 preregist-rated paper |
For partici-pants with 2 preregist-rated papers |
For partici-pants without papers |
For partici-pants with 1 preregist-rated paper |
For partici-pants with 2 preregist-rated papers |
For partici-pants without papers |
For partici-pants with 1 preregist-rated paper |
For partici-pants with 2 preregist-rated papers |
Full Delegates* |
150$ |
300$ |
540$ |
390$ |
240$ |
660$ |
510$ |
360$ |
780$ |
630$ |
480$ |
For ASSISi & EAEE members |
150$ |
300$ |
486$ |
336$ |
186$ |
594$ |
444$ |
294$ |
702$ |
552$ |
402$ |
Accompa-nying Persons** |
N/a |
N/a |
420$ |
540$ |
660$ |
Students*** |
150$ |
N/a |
300$ |
150$ |
N/a |
300$ |
150$ |
N/a |
300$ |
150$ |
N/a |
All prices are in US dollars ($) and taxes included. Currency residents of Russian Federation pay in roubles.
Please note that payment must be received in full by the registration deadline in order to qualify for these rates.
Registration fee includes:
- Six day conference sessions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 July, 2019)
- Conference material and proceedings
- Welcome reception
- Coffee breaks & light lunches
*Full Delegate registration includes submission of two papers
**Accompanying Person registration don`t includes conference material and proceedings and submission of papers
***Student Registration (for graduate and postgraduate students only!) includes submission of one paper. Students should provide proof of their student status
Public offer regarding the agreement for participation in the 16th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures.
For registration questions please write here registration@16wcsi.org.